My open-source side projects and stuff that I built with my colleagues at work

Weaverse - Shopify Hydrogen Theme Customizer & Headless CMS
The first Hydrogen-driven website builder powered by AI. Weaverse is a Shopify sales channel that allows you to create a website in minutes with no coding required.
Built with:Remix,Prisma,Tailwind,OpenAI

Weaverse SDKs
Open-source toolkits for seamless integration and development of Shopify Hydrogen themes and headless commerce solutions.
Built with:Turborepo,Hydrogen,React,Typescript

Pilot - Shopify Hydrogen theme
The first Hydrogen-driven theme for Shopify. Pilot is a Shopify theme that allows you to build a lightning-fast storefront with all the benefits of Hydrogen.
Built with:Hydrogen,Remix,Tailwind,Headless UI

Minimog - Shopify theme
The Next Generation of highest-converting and extensible Shopify theme (Weekly bestseller & Top trending in Themeforest eCommerce category).
Built with:Theme-kit,Liquid,Webpack,Tailwind

Fox Kit - Shopify app
The upsells and boost conversion tools that is built to support Minimog theme.
Built with:Koa.js,JWT,MongoDB,Polaris
Side projects

Personal website
Built with:Next.js,Tailwind,Typescript,Prisma,Umami

Shopify theme starter
Built with:Shopify,Liquid,Webpack,Tailwind,Theme-kit

Exercism solutions
Built with:Javascript,Bash,Exercism

Animate loading bar
Built with:Javascript,CSS

Shopify KoaJS React boilerplate
Built with:Koa.js,JWT,MongoDB,Polaris

Travel Egypt Picture Puzzle
Built with:Python,Pygame

Infinite Loading Gallery
Built with:React,Semantic UI,Picsum API

Store Manager
Built with:Java,Java Swing,JDBC,SQL Server

Tiny retry
Built with:Javascript,Node